Jan 28
If you've ever watched a TED talk or listened to any of your teachers in school, you'll know that setting goals are the stepping stones to getting where you want to be in life. You watch one video ...
Continue ReadingDec 28, 2024
Gift baskets are the best way to give a little something of everything. Whether your recipient is a fan of chocolate or cheese, show them a little love, all wrapped up in one! Here are four #trend...
Continue ReadingNov 27, 2024
If you've ever run a 5k or attended a basketball game, chances are you've got a promotional shirt in your drawers somewhere. According to PPAI's 2019 Consumer Study, wearables are the #1 most popul...
Continue ReadingOct 27, 2024
What first comes to mind when you think of the phrase "made from sustainable materials"? Bamboo, of course! Bamboo, which is a type of grass (who knew!), is an incredible renewable and sustainable ...
Continue ReadingSep 26, 2024
Looking for some promotional products to outshine the competition? Need some LED magic to illuminate your brand? We've got you covered with this selection of super fun promotional products that ...
Continue ReadingAug 26, 2024
It's fun giving out promotional products like fidget spinners and stress balls, but sometimes you need an option for the guy that likes to keep it a bit more professional. These business casual ...
Continue ReadingJul 26, 2024
It's safe to say that the humble face mask is one of 2020's most popular products, and it isn't difficult to figure out why. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Preven...
Continue ReadingJun 26, 2024
Students are back in the classroom and parents are scrambling to purchase all of the necessary supplies on each teacher's checklist. From three different types of pencils, calculators, and folders ...
Continue ReadingMay 25, 2024
Mugs, tumblers, and bottles…oh my! There is an abundance of variety available when it comes to promotional drinkware, which can make it difficult to decide what is the best choice for your b...
Continue ReadingApr 25, 2024
The truth is out: buying promotional products for your customers doesn't have to break the bank! Plus, everyone likes getting presents - no matter how big or small. So we've chosen six promotional ...
Continue ReadingMar 24, 2024
Promotional products aren't just for niche industry operations. Whether you are a small organization looking to grow your business, or an established company wanting to reach a new market, a produc...
Continue ReadingFeb 24, 2024
The “Golden Lanyard” to Boosting Trade Show Booth Traffic Organization: Health Care Organization Product Featured: Cotton Water Bottle Strap Goal of Promotion: Driving Traff...
Continue ReadingJan 23, 2024
Objective: A local insurance agent wanted a way to connect with her customers and capture new leads with a useful promotional item that would also boost her personal branding and promote her serv...
Continue ReadingDec 23, 2023
Sometimes the most important business is conducted on the green! These six promos are perfect for those clients you know who love to golf. Callaway Org 14 Cart Bag This bag comes with individu...
Continue ReadingNov 23, 2023
Calendars, planners, and clocks are some of the most popular promotional products because they are useful, inexpensive, and receive innumerable impressions on a daily basis. Brand these everyday es...
Continue ReadingOct 23, 2023
Physical fitness is an integral part of leading a healthy life, but it's not always easy to accomplish on one's own! That's where personal trainers, gyms, and fitness classes come in. If you own a ...
Continue ReadingSep 22, 2023
With all the shelter in place and social distancing rules to help flatten the curve of COVID-19, more people are working remotely than ever before. It's important to make sure your at-home workplac...
Continue ReadingAug 22, 2023
People love plants! They live in our offices and our homes and whether you have a large flourishing garden or fake plants because you can't even keep a cactus alive, there's a plant-themed promo fo...
Continue ReadingJul 21, 2023
A Flavorful Promotion Boosts This Credit Union's Popularity Organization: Credit Union Product Featured: Lip Balm Goal of Promotion: Generate New Loans Description of Case History: This c...
Continue ReadingJun 21, 2023
Guess the Flavor Lip Balm Organization Health Insurance Organization Product Featured Lip Balm & Lip Balm Sleeve Goal of Promotion Generating positive reinforcement with sales reps ...
Continue ReadingMay 21, 2023
If you work in real estate, you know that your field generates billions of dollars in revenue per year in residential, commercial and industrial sectors. And you could pocket a good amount of that ...
Continue ReadingApr 20, 2023
Chocolate and candy can make everyone smile! From fudge and chocolate-covered almonds to saltwater taffy and sour gummies, there are thousands of options for you to send to customers! Here are 6 o...
Continue ReadingMar 20, 2023
For vets, groomers, doggie daycares, and more, pet care is more than a hobby – it's a lifestyle. While puppies don't have any purchasing power, promoting your pet-centric business to dog o...
Continue ReadingFeb 19, 2023
So, you're running out of gift ideas. Over the years, you've given your clients things they like, such as a cat Star Wars poster, tickets to see their favorite band, or even as far as their favorit...
Continue ReadingJan 18, 2023
Real estate promotional products are a memorable way to stay top of mind with your clients by promoting your brand, while also giving something back to your clients. Whether it's part of a direct m...
Continue ReadingDec 18, 2022
A shopping mall was holding a summer promotion to increase traffic during typically slower months. Visitors to the complex were given a “passport” to take to different stores within the...
Continue ReadingNov 18, 2022
Promotional products aren't just for niche industry operations. Whether you are a small organization looking to grow your business, or an established company wanting to reach a new market, a produc...
Continue ReadingOct 18, 2022
Sharks are some of the ocean's most beautiful creatures. With over 500 species and more being discovered, the world of sharks is absolutely fascinating, from the deep sea Greenland Shark which can ...
Continue ReadingSep 17, 2022
Ah yes, family picnics. The deli sandwiches, games, and abundance of sunshine. Summertime is the best time to fill up the basket, dust off the checkered blanket, and head out to your local park. ...
Continue ReadingAug 17, 2022
Did you know that tea is one of the most consumed beverages globally, second only to water? This ancient brew has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years, with references to early tea d...
Continue ReadingJul 16, 2022
Whether you are right or left, red or blue, or somewhere in the middle, if you're in need of political promotional product staples, we've got some great candidates for you! Yard Signs ...
Continue ReadingJun 16, 2022
Technology advances exponentially. By the time you finish reading this article, you might be actually be reading it in some virtual reality café where Elvis is serving you a strawberry daiqu...
Continue ReadingMay 15, 2022
From Friday night lights, Saturday morning tailgating, to Sunday watch parties, show support for your team with some promotional products for the win! Touchscreen Gloves Add your logo to these ...
Continue ReadingApr 15, 2022
If there's one thing we never have enough of, it's time. We haven't quite figured out a way to freeze time yet, but we have found ways to save it. If you're a busy professional, these three FREE pl...
Continue ReadingMar 15, 2022
Market: Hospitality Objective: With their event scheduled close to Mardi Gras, event planners wanted to provide a themed goodie package for attendees with giveaways from event sponsors. They wan...
Continue ReadingFeb 15, 2022
Portability and permanence are among the desirable traits sought in an effective promotional product. A company was looking for a unique self-promotion that incorporated these elements and decided ...
Continue ReadingJan 14, 2022
Description: Dart Pen Industry: Technology What it was purchased for: A data storage company wanted an item they could put on their company store website in which branches or divisions could purc...
Continue ReadingDec 14, 2021
As more and more companies turn towards e-commerce, shopping online has never been easier or more enjoyable. Ordering branded products is no exception! Company stores give you a convenient and comp...
Continue ReadingNov 14, 2021
Pet owners who have been working from home over the past few months have had their hands full. Juggling work along with dogs or cats requires attention, and many pets have likely adjusted to having...
Continue ReadingOct 13, 2021
Clever Meets Subtle: A New Way to Do Cross-Promotions Organization: Department Store Product Featured: Lanyard with Vinyl Pouch Goal of Promotion: Promoting Store Sales Description of Case ...
Continue ReadingSep 13, 2021
Description: Dual Compartment Cooler Bag Industry: Corporate / Fortune 500 What it was purchased for: An annual company picnic for employees and their families. Each year they give thei...
Continue ReadingAug 13, 2021
The promotional products industry has become so successful for one reason: people like free stuff. It's true! So, how do you know which of the millions of products you want to be associated with yo...
Continue ReadingJul 12, 2021
Once you've found the perfect promotional product for your business or organization, the next step is to emblazon it with your logo or message. Depending on the item, there may be multiple decorati...
Continue ReadingJun 12, 2021
Description: Auto Air Vent Magnetic Phone Mount Industry: Technology What it was purchased for: A technology business was looking for a giveaway item that was unique but also fit within their bud...
Continue ReadingMay 12, 2021
Do you ever find that no matter how hard you're working, you're not getting the results you want? You put in the long hours at the office, you answer every email, you skip lunch, and yet you're sti...
Continue ReadingApr 12, 2021
Description: Roll-Up Blanket Industry: Corporate / Fortune 500 What it was purchased for: A reward to employees for good service. How it was distributed: These blankets were mailed to locations ...
Continue ReadingMar 12, 2021
It's always important to have emergency plans in place for when the unexpected happens. There is no substitute for good preparations! These promotional products help you ensure you are prepared in ...
Continue ReadingFeb 12, 2021
Eating healthy. Weight management. Working out five times a week. There are many health-related resolutions we set at the beginning of a new year. But, do we follow through with them? Many times, t...
Continue ReadingJan 12, 2021
The way restaurant patrons experience dining out has changed immensely since coronavirus cases have begun popping up in the U.S. Restaurants that were once packed to the brim with happy diners are ...
Continue ReadingDec 11, 2020
Objective: An insurance company wanted to send new customers home with a special gift and a way to keep their new insurance policy documentation organized. Product: Insurance Document Pouch & Fu...
Continue ReadingNov 11, 2020
Traveling for business can be a hectic experience if you approach your upcoming trip without any preparation. As with everything else in the world, there is an art to getting the most out of busine...
Continue ReadingOct 11, 2020
Description: Spoon Mug Industry: Advertising What it was purchased for: A major coupon distributor was looking for a thank you to give out to advertisers. How it was distributed: The spoon mug...
Continue ReadingSep 11, 2020
We all want to live healthier, sleep deeper, and work better. These motivational promotional products will help kickstart goals and increase your brand visibility! Exercise Band Let's get physi...
Continue ReadingAug 10, 2020
We all want to succeed in business and in life, but sometimes we could use an extra boost of motivation. Some of the most successful people we have ever known have failed many times before succeedi...
Continue ReadingJul 10, 2020
Fewer Tricks and More Treats: Halloween Safety Lanyard Organization Insurance Company Product Featured Reflective Lanyard Goal of Promotion Promoting safety on Halloween Description of Cas...
Continue ReadingJun 10, 2020
Most people crave the feeling of class, power, and status that comes with enjoying luxury products. Those who claim they don't, just haven't gotten a chance to experience it for free. So, what bett...
Continue ReadingMay 10, 2020
Do you ever have that moment when you look at something and you get an overwhelming surge of nostalgia? Everyone loves a good throwback, especially when it's a cool, vintage product. Below are seve...
Continue ReadingApr 9, 2020
After working a long, tiring day, all you want to do is plop down on the sofa and watch TV. The thought of laying on the couch spending hours of mindless activity is tempting to most. In fact, the ...
Continue ReadingMar 9, 2020
Here are some interesting stats for you. More than 157 million Americans are part of the U.S. workforce. Considering that number, did you know that workplace stress is responsible for up to $190 bi...
Continue ReadingFeb 9, 2020
It can be hard to communicate with a design team on a project when the designers speak their very own language. That's why we have a rundown of words you may come across frequently that can save yo...
Continue ReadingJan 9, 2020
A large university needed a useful tool to promote its school app to students and faculty because it wanted to use the app to communicate important college news and upcoming events. Since most stud...
Continue ReadingDec 8, 2019
Keeping Colds at Bay, One Spritz at a Time Organization High School Product Featured Spray Hand Sanitizer Goal of Promotion To promote good health for the winter season Description of Cas...
Continue ReadingNov 8, 2019
Products Javalina(r) Classic Pen Industry Financial Application Direct Mail A local bank wanted to increase awareness of its low mortgage rates and decided to do a direct mailing ...
Continue ReadingOct 8, 2019
Social media is one of the fastest growing and ever-changing media platforms in existence. What began as an online community for the younger generations, now encompasses billions of people across t...
Continue ReadingSep 7, 2019
It can be hard to communicate with a design team on a project when the designers speak their very own language. That's why we have a rundown of words you may come across frequently that can save y...
Continue ReadingAug 7, 2019
Have you ever had this conversation before? Them: "How are you?" You: "Yes." Or have you ever been in a meeting and realized you zoned out halfway through? Or how about when you're at the movie...
Continue ReadingJul 24, 2019
Description: Folded Photograph Card Industry: Fundraising What it was purchased for: A historical preservation society needed invitations for their annual dinner. A board member donated their pho...
Continue ReadingJul 10, 2019
Each school year, millions of students hit the books, shoot some hoops, and work hard to bring home that golden 4.0 GPA. Sometimes, the best way to promote your brand is by supporting the students ...
Continue ReadingMay 29, 2019
Product: Non-Woven Shopper Tote Bag Industry: Bookstore What it was purchased for: A large college bookstore wanted to feature a reusable shopping bag for students. The goal was to get the studen...
Continue ReadingMay 15, 2019
What better way to put your money where your mouth is than to add your logo to some stylish drinkware? We have six unique picks to inspire your next drinkware order! Moscow Mule Gift Set Cheers...
Continue ReadingApr 30, 2019
People demand a lot of creativity from professionals these days. We live in the era of media overload, where viral video marketing and colorful infographics have become accepted means of engaging a...
Continue ReadingApr 16, 2019
As part of their new corporate wellness program, the company wanted to stress the importance of healthy nutrition to its employees. Along with literature, discount memberships at a local health clu...
Continue ReadingApr 2, 2019
According to a 2016 AAA Foundation report, American drivers spend an average of more than 17,600 minutes behind the wheel each year. Now, imagine that someone is looking at products with your logo ...
Continue ReadingMar 19, 2019
Feeling stumped? Uninspired? Fresh out of ideas? Thanks to the wonderful gift that is the World Wide Web, creative inspiration is just a few clicks away. These are some of our favorite sources to g...
Continue ReadingMar 4, 2019
Objective A local brewery wanted an eye-catching promotional item to place on tables that would boost their alcohol sales and highlight their weekly specials while encouraging enrollment for their...
Continue ReadingFeb 18, 2019
Being prepared isn't just for the Scouts, it's good advice for anyone who lives life on the go! Add your logo to these hospitality and travel themed promotional products and your customers will ...
Continue ReadingFeb 4, 2019
Business owners have a lot to lose in the event of an unfortunate data breach. From intellectual property to customer lists to bank account numbers, hackers have their eyes set on the most invaluab...
Continue ReadingJan 21, 2019
Industry: Hospitality Personalization: A small sandwich shop wanted to increase their business during lunch hour. Their target market was people who worked near their restaurant. Method of Distri...
Continue ReadingJan 7, 2019
Tradeshows are important opportunities for your company to reach out to customers and prospects face-to-face and make lasting impressions. Make sure you're prepared with the proper supplies to ensu...
Continue ReadingDec 24, 2018
There are hundreds of cooking gadgets that claim to make people's lives easier but many of them end up collecting dust in the junk drawer. We've found the best and most useful kitchen products that...
Continue ReadingDec 10, 2018
Corporate gifts are a great way to thank your clients for keeping you in business. When done right, they can also function as employee rewards/incentives. Here are a few of our favorite promotional...
Continue ReadingDec 10, 2018
A hotel wanted to promote its amenities to guests in a personable, yet non-intrusive manner. The goal was to encourage guests to utilize hotel amenities instead of going off-site to fulfill their n...
Continue ReadingJun 26, 2019
Sometimes it's good to take a moment and get in touch with Mother Earth. Not only are these products great for printing your company logo or message, but they also serve dual purposes. The products...
Continue ReadingJun 12, 2019
Sometimes life gets hard. You don't have to work a night shift from Monday to Sunday to agree with that statement. Even the most effortless of jobs, those we believe to have truly mastered, can ge...
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